
Parallels 2015 Movie

Boxer Ronan follows the mailbox message of his father, which he turned his back years ago. With his sister Beatrix and neighbor Harry he enters a vacant high-rise in the City – and ends up in a parallel world where he meets Polly, jumping with the building every 36 hours in another world. Watch Parallels […]

Terminator Genisys 2015 Movie

In the future, the war against the machines Ends: leader of the resistance John Connor is about to end the actions of the supercomputer Skynet. But shortly before giving up the ghost, it then uses a revolutionary machine to send a T-800 in the past to remove his mother, Sarah Connor. Watch Terminator Genisys 2015 […]

Cowboys & Aliens 2014 Movie

An upside-down paddle steamer in the middle of the desert, and 500 miles from the nearest possible river, on which he could drive. This scenario is emblematic of the intentions of the filmmakers. It simply defies any explanation. It could be a tribute to Spielberg’s desert Gobi-scenes from “Close Encounters.” But maybe it’s just a […]

Tomorrowland 2015 Movie

Bound by a common fate, Casey, a brilliant and talented teenager optimistic of great scientific curiosity, and Frank, a man who was once a young genius inventor before losing his illusions, embark on a dangerous mission. Watch Tomorrowland 2015 Movie and More high quality online movies From safe and secure Links.

Ex Machina 2015 Movie

Caleb is a young programmer who wins a contest to live with Nathan (Oscar Isaac), the creator of one of the most important Internet company in the world. Watch Ex Machina 2015 Movie and More Sci-Fi movies from Direct Links.

Parallels 2015 Movie

Boxer Ronan follows the mailbox message of his father, which he turned his back years ago. With his sister Beatrix and neighbor Harry he enters a vacant high-rise in the City – and ends up in a parallel world where he meets Polly, jumping with the building every 36 hours in another world. Watch Parallels […]

Avengers: Age of Ultron 2015 Movie

Avengers: Age of Ultron is not The Avengers, is a film that does not measure up to its predecessor. The magic was not repeated, the enthusiasm did not follow, and the experience declined. If comparisons are odious, because this time is a critical odious. Watch Avengers: Age of Ultron 2015 Movie and More Online Movies […]

Insurgent 2015 Movie

For two hundred years, Chicago has been sealed off by a fence. Beyond the fence is not possible life. Inside the fence there are five fractions. The Amite are responsible for the food supply. The Ferox form the protective power. Scientists and teachers are at the Ken. Manage never the lying Candor the legal system. […]

Prometheus 2012 Movie

“Prometheus” tells the story of a group of scientists and explorers who travel through space was a rare new found planet or star. The group of travelers to their destination addresses, without knowing what they will find. Apparently the mission of humans is to find answers about the origin of life on earth. Watch Prometheus […]

Divergent 2014 Movie

The story takes place in a dystopian world where society is divided into five factions. Each is dedicated to cultivating a particular virtue: Truth (the honest), Abnegation (the selfless), Daring (the brave), Agreeableness (peaceful) and Lore (smart). As has already turned sixteen, Beatrice Prior must choose which belong faction. While falls for a young girl […]